Sorry! It looks likes there's a pretty ugly bug with the full screen mode. Just stick to windowed mode, and if it looks weird, resize it.

Zombie Queen

You are a little gremlin girl who can use her magical powers to summon or repel hoards of decaying zombies. Grow your army of undead beasts by luring them towards unsuspecting humans.

Full disclosure: I don't know if the level I set up is possible. If you can get 15 zombies or reach the "Victory" area in the top right, let me know.


A and D - Move left and right

W or Space - Jump

Q and E - Control the zombie beacon to either lure or repel zombies

Alternative Controls

Left and Right arrows - Move left and right

Up arrow - Jump

RCtrl or 0 (on the keypad) - Control the zombie beacon to either lure or repel zombies


Font used -

(I freaking love this font, I use it in every jam)

Published 16 days ago
Made withGodot

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